Is your local business right for the internet? You might think that the web, more specifically your own website, offers few opportunities for businesses with a customer base clustered in a small geographic area. After all, the Web is "world wide"... a "global medium." And you would have been fairly correct, up until recently.
That is changing rapidly. Sure, some potential clients still use the Yellow Pages and other business directories. BUT, more and more your customers are using Google and other search engines. It's easy and fast to do a search, find and buy, all from the comfort of home. Online shopping is becoming the number one way that consumers shop.
Right At This Moment, Your Customer Is on someone else's website...
Will your website be one that she finds next? Despite the overwhelming advantages of a website, most small businesses only have one Yellow Pages ad, but they do not have a Website. (Or if they do, their sites are dying from a lack of traffic and results.) That is all about to change with your own locak business.
Make the most of these Masters e courses.
Learn any aspect of internet business building. From Affiliate marketing to Work-At-Home ebook(s) teaches advanced principles to help you become a successful website owner.
SBI Rss Tutorial - put a dedicated blog on your SBI website and watch your search engine rankings soar, soar, soar.
Masters course for Easy Blogs software, can be used for any website not just Site Build It.
Comprehensive ebook teaches you how to create your own blog and up load it to your website. Creates the all important rss feed and how to get it just right for those hungry search engine spiders.
Net Writing Masters Course - Join the "Top 2%" on the Net. PREsell with information-packed content, then sell with benefit-focused sales copy, smoothly converting your visitors into customers. This "1-2" power strategy is the core to building traffic and earning income on the Net.
No matter what you sell on the Net... If you want to sell more, write better. Use the right words. Because words sell<, not graphics or technology.
The goal of The Net Writing Masters Course is to help you write better so that you can sell more! It shows you how to use the right words with the right process to build targeted traffic and convert visitors into customers.
See the rest of the Master eCourse collection...Masters E Courses
Just got through reading Ann Sieg's new eBook the "Attraction Marketers Manifesto." Ann really gets it right in this ebook. She reveals her personal experiences and techniques used to achieve phenominal results in network marketing. Then she explains how to duplicate attraction marketing on the Internet.
The "Attraction Marketers Manifesto" goes through what the future of the network marketer will be. This ebook delivers attraction marketing tips and techniques that were developed offline and then brought online. No where else on the Internet can you get this kind of quality information for free.
The Interview
Ann gets together with Mike Klingler to discuss the Professional Renegade Marketer. A new step by step training program that teaches you online lead generation for your business. Read Full Article
Wow where shall I begin? Site Build It!, isn't simply one thing. There are so many aspects it is better to call it a suite of online business tools. The best part about SBI is the Action Guide.
The Action Guide is a 10 day e-course that starts with the foundation of online business building and finishes with website monetization.
Online Business tools
What more can you ask for than a suite of 30+ tools to conduct online business. Obviously with that many tools I can't describe them all in this short post. Here a list of the most important ones.
- Brainstormer - is both a creativity-booster with tremendous brainstorming abilities and a tireless tool that saves you weeks of tedious data-gathering and keyword analysis!
- Master Keyword List - presents your list of brainstormed keywords. It is where you can search, manipulate, analyze and delete the keywords researched and generated by Brainstorm It!
- Look and Feel Selector - reflects the theme and sets the tone for your website, connecting with your reader at a quick, subconscious level. This is where you select or upload your template, header logo and navigation buttons.
- Page Builders - Block-by-Block builder and upload your own html pages are created in this section. The online page builder is where you build and edit your webpages. And the 'Upload Your Own Html' module allows you to work on offline Html editors and then ftp your pages up to your site.
- World Submitter - takes all the hassle out of submitting your pages to the search engine. When you build, edit or upload a page SBI automatically pings the search engines to let them know of your updates.

More Tools
It just keeps getting better and better!! With Site Build It you also get a form builder, e-zine builder, unlimited email accounts and 5 content libraries. But that's not all, Site Build it is a content management system too. SBI keeps track of so many parameter the list is too long to post here.
Trust me when I say anyone can build a website that works. Like me, I started as a frustrated small time home business guy, without any success. Within 3 months my first website was profitable, and I was getting 100's of pageviews a day, FOR FREE.
Site Build It! Overview
Wow another big subject. If I were to break it down I would start with these categories.
- Overview - the big picture
- Business Tools - the nuts and bolts
- More Tools - success building modules
- Order Info - how to select which one is right for you.
This dream just never ends. On top of having the capability to build your business you can have Site Build It! do it for you. Follow this link to see the complete SBI overview...