So many new things are going on now I can't believe I haven't blogged is so long. I've learned so much I can't wait to get all the new stuff implemented. First up is the iDesign3 contest at SBI. In this contest web developers create and submit designs that all have the same identical content. The concept is to develop a new look and feel not create the best content. You'll see each one is all about 'Lorum Ipsum Dolor.'
So far I've entered 3 templates. The first one is a hobby of mine - Go-Kart racing.

Read More about the New SBI 3 Column Template
The concept behind this one is the use of team colors to set the look and feel of the website. One day I may even make a website for the team.
The concept for this design is healthy nutrition. I used a pleasent green to represent the goodness in food. And I used a white brackground because white always represents cleanliness.
The concept for this one is strength and value. It is entered in the High Tech category but could cross to the marketing category.
Does this last template look familiar? I hope so because it is being adapted for this website. Roll out of the new design should occur in a week or two.
Learn more about the iDesign3 contest...SBI New Template
The Action Guide gets a make over. Site Build It! in case you don't know is an all in one online business builder for small business (or any business). Tools include 1000 tutorials , website builder, hosting, newsletters, opt-in forms, just to name a few. Unlike most website building system this one teaches you how to succeed. The first place you get directed to is the Action Guide. A 10 day self study course that takes you through the complete process to build an online business.
Recently a newer version of this gold mine ebook was released. It now has much better navigation, is easier to follow and has separated the videos.

Next 5 days of the Action Guide.
The Action Guide has been around since 2004 (I think) and recently recieved a huge make over. After 5 years of continious improvement the decision was made to give the whole Action Guide a make-over. (Nothing better than modern technology, eh?) Notice that you go through 5 days of training before you even register your domain name.
Read all 10 days of the
Did you know over 40,000 webmasters use Site Build It! to build their online businesses? Over 60% of those websites rank in the top 3% of all websites. That's like 24,000 websites in the top 3%. All from one collection of tools. I figure that much success they must have something super stupendous going.
Well, SBI is very unique in that it is geared more toward online success than just building a website. And just when I thought it couldn't get any better...IT DOES!!! As an engineer I can tell you that SiteSell's continuous improvement program can rival any of the Big 3's. Recently SBI made some big continuous improvement announcements.

SiteSell announces for a limited time the $100 special is on. Buy one Site Build It subscription and get a second one for only $100. The second one you can give away or keep for yourself.
First, SBI has re-released the Action Guide with an all new look and feel. This guide is so precious many webmasters want to keep it a secret. And they may get their way, soon. There has been some discussion about moving the AG to the membership website. Untill that happens you can get it here. Don't delay. Get Action-Guide
Second, SBI has this web 2.0 program called Content 2.0. This is like free pages. You make an invitation to your visitors to supply their own stories. When the invitation is filled in the site owner can moderate it before publishing. If your an Internet marketer you can see the power of this tool. And now here they go again making it Free. That is free with your subscription to Site Build It.
The implications are enormous. Better than blogging and social networking, SBI 2.0 rolls it up into one neat package. Your visitors supply the content. Other visitors can comment and reply to comments.