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BWT Videos For Creating And Marketing Animated Or Explainer Videos 2021-04-08

BWT Videos A part of BWT Video Services
BWT Videos can help you create videos for marketing, educational or explainer videos.

Are you looking for an affordable video marketing solution? If so, you've come to the right place. We specialize in affordable video creation solutions. Our 3d animated avatars offer professional animated presenters for any product or service. We use artificial intelligence platforms to create high quality commercial, explainer and tutorial videos.

Find out why you need Video Marketing?

We specialize in 3d animated avatars. Our collection of 3d spokespersons reflect a vast array of culture and society today. 3d avatars can display a wide variety of personalities from young to old, from homey to outgoing to genius to dummie, from sweet little girl to grumpy old man.

BWT Videos can bring to life your next video creation. Our experienced and well trained staff will help you through the video creation process. Check out this collection of 3d animated avatar marketing videos...

Custom Animated Video Productions
(Click on thumbnails to view promo videos)

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How To get Bonuses, Goodies And Discounts From Website Tips 2021-04-15

Get tips, tools, discounts and information about the latest website tips to improve your online marketing skills. Website tips will keep you up to date on the latest, greatest website tools, tips and techniques to grow your business. Cool stuff lies within...

For this cool website tips we thought focusing a visitors attention on just one option would do nicely. Here's the thought behing this technique... If the visitor only has one option the percentage of getting a click goes up. So this for this post we have only the big button in the center,

For this big button we tapped into bootstrap's modal function. When clicked on the button opens a modal screen. The modal screen contains a form, a video and text elements. The video is hosted on YouTube so we put it in a modal. That way it can be open and closed with ease.

For the button we used bootstrap's 'button' function. We made the text an 'H2" heading to boost it's size. Then added the drop shadow to the text. The arrow button and newspaper are emojis from 'EMOJI CSS'. These and other tips are included in our monthly newsletter. Sign up today...

Contact BWT Videos for a free quote. | Top of website tips

Video Creator Is Awesome And Complicated But Way Cool 2021-04-20

Video Creator 3d Box Cover
Okay, I jumped in with both feet. Picked up a subscription to the hottest new video app Video Creator by Paul Ponna. This is by far the most advanced I've ever encountered. To begin it contains about 600+ marketing templates and performs innumerable video creation functions.

Video Creator is powered by Amazon AWS (I think). and connected to the cloud with way more power than any other app I have used. I could go on and on about this website tool but there is too much to describe and I just got started.

So far I have tried the whiteboard, neon sign and flipbook applications. No glitches to report, yet, so I'll go on about some awesome features this app has. Includes (if you get all the upgrades) video player with autoplay, animated play buttons and free hosting. A real YouTube competitor. Now you can control where the visitor clicks to next.

User experience is excellent as all the options are clear, easy to use and well thought out. I had no difficulty learning how to use the app(s). And I haven't even found all the tutorials, yet. There are numerous bonuses that come with a subscription. Which by the way is only a one time fee. Each upgrade is also a low cost one time fee.

Finally a cloud based video creation app that can handle longer clips. Check out this long whiteboard video created in Video Creator, Then edited in Camtasia Studio.

Most of the special effects are done with Video Creator but some are achieved with Camtasia. Most of the sound effects are included but many are added after the fact. Check out this cool whiteboard video made with Video Creator...

BWT Video Services Whiteboard

Now I know why a really good whiteboard videos cost so much. They rely heavily on sound. Which means time spent in the editing suite. Trying to keep a visitor engaged is hard especially when you want them focused on one area of the screen. Ear catching sound is key for whiteboard videos. This one for example is kinda slow in my opinion. So to spice it up we added some special sound effects. Did it work?

Contact BWT Videos for a free quote. | Top of website tips

Almost Free Video Hosting With Video Player 2021-04-21

Video Player App box coversVideo Player (VP) is one of the bonuses that comes with Video Creator app. This app creates a video player alternative to YouTube. Sort of! VP does have some features that are normally blocked by Google. Those features include AutoPlay, Loop and animated play buttons.

AutoPlay is normally blocked by modern web browsers because of the annoyance factor. On the other hand autoplaying a video can be useful. Much more powerful than other animated images, autoplay videos can have sound. Some applicational uses could be animated box covers for digital products or scroll stopper eye catchers or repeating simple instructions. Click for sound...

Starry Night With Charles

As you can probably tell the video is actually hosted on YouTube. That is how this app works. You plug in a video URL from YouTube and VP generates some javascript code that you place on your website. What VP does is create a video player that sits on top of a YouTube video.

Video Player is one of the upgrades that comes with VP. Speaking of features. On the next page are several examples of the advantages and benefits of Video Creator with Video Player. Take a look...

Contact BWT Videos for a free quote. | Top of website tips

Video Creator App Added To Video App Store 2021-04-22

Video Creator Box Cover
Are you looking for a video creation app that does it all? Good luck with that one. Video Creator (VC) offers 1000's of templates and variations and scripts and animations and fast rendering and more. It contains video templates, audio tracks, text-to-speech, animations, voice overs, and everything a video marketer could want.

Create amazing videos for ecommerce, animated mockups, whiteboard, explainer, live motion tracking, social media marketing or any kind of video you can think of. Perfect for video marketers, small business owners, influencers, authors, freelancers, local businesses, affiliate marketers or anyone who wants to make high quality videos.

My opinion; this is a very good, comprehensive, high quality, cloud based video creation application. Powered by AWS is a plus. VC offers a wide variety of pre-made video templates. More awesome tools and bonuses are included in the upgrades. My favorite part are the loooong length animation renderings it can do. Check it out here...

Contact BWT Videos for a free quote. | Top of website tips

Catalog Flipbook Demo 2021-04-24

Hi all, found this Catalog Flipbook animated template in Video Creator app. Also found this canned 'sell etraining' voice over in Voice Suite, I combined all the elements in Camtasia Studio and it is hosted by YouTube.

Catalog Flipbook Demo

Voice Suite thumbnail
Okay this video is a demo of a video template app, I admit it. So, what can we learn from this. Today's website tips are this: You did watch the video? Right?
1. The size and shape of the filler images should match the containers used to build the flipbook. The tutorial recommends 'h/w = 2048px.' but then crops the page to a 9:16, that's 9 units wide by 16 units high. In other words, like an 8-1/2x11" piece of paper.
2. Voice Suite is a state of the art text-to-speech voice over engine. An ideal tool for the voice over challenged video maker. This technology has allowed the artificial intelligence industry to flourish. Learn more about Voice Suite And Video Creator here...

Contact BWT Videos for a free quote. | Top of website tips

Text To Speech Engine Demo, In Other Words... 2021-04-26

Text To Speech engines can say anything you want and translate it into 26 or more different languages. Here's a demonstration of a super smart text to speech engine that is part of the artificial intelligence technology explosion. Check out Aisha in this video. She demonstrates how we create a voice over for animation.

Aisha In Text To Speech Engine Demo

Aisha Speaks
TTS technology has significantly improved in the last five years. Big tech companies like Google, Amazon and MicroSoft have developed the means to generate artificial intelligence, through TTS engines that are smart and accessable to anyone with a computer.

BWT Video Services utilizes this technology to create the 3d Animated Avatar family of characters. Who collectively can represent almost any type of personality imaginable. In this video 'Aisha' demonstrates the Voice Over - TTS Engine.

The idea of being able to translate into another language by simply typing on keyboard has blossomed into the ability to speak in many different personalities. Combine this ability with dynamic visual imagery and you have....

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