Blog and Build - SBI Rss/Blog It! and Easy Blogs Website Build Comparison

Easy Blogs - tutorial and software.
Blog and Build is the best way to build a website/blog. The other day my friend asked me "when do you build an article page and when do you use SBI Rss/blog It!?"

To use both at the same time, you need more than just SBI and Rss/Blog It! you need EasyBlogs too. Use Easy Blogs to build and blog your websites and Rss/Blog It! to 'site blog' or syndicate your new content." Use Site Build It! for all your website/blogs.

Easy Blogs software and tutorial
In todays world a blog is no longer a 'personal web log' or journal. Today blogging is a variety of tools that feed the world wide web via real simple syndication, rss for short. Rss feeds syndicate what is called an .xml file

(transmission markup language). The .xml file is typically composed of very little information. Usually just a title, URl and a short description for a pre-determined number of posts.

A good blog post does more than that, it functions as an avenue for your visitors move deeper into your website. With the right tools you can blog and build a website at the same time, create stunning posts and widely syndicate your content.

Rules of thumb for a writing a good blog post.

  1. At least 100 words but not more than 500 words. After 500 words you have enough content to turn a blog into an article or stand alone web page. Less than 100 words and your rss feed may be too small to be of interest to potential visitors.
  2. Include at least one image (optional).
  3. Include at least one link to another page (recommended). All links should go to the same landing page or similar landing pages.
  4. Tease the audience. You don't want people to just read your blog posts and move on. You want them to click through to your next page. This means you don't give away all your info in the blog post. You want your visitors to click through to your sales pages.
  5. Include a hook (literary term) that makes people 'WANT' to click through. The easiest way to do this is to ask or answer a question, present a problem or solution to a problem. Another good method is to leave the last sentence unfinished. Followed by a link to the next page.
Site Build It! - all in one business builder
What a site blog (Rss/Blog It!) does. Build a .xml file and ping your Rss feeds. In turn this alerts the blog aggregators that you have new information on your site. This is done through the rss feed.

What a full blown blog can do for you is light-years ahead of a simple site blog. With true blogging software like Easy Blogs you have much better control of your content. You can blog and build your website at the same time. One truly spectacular feature of Easy Blogs is the built in content management system.

This is an example of a full blown blog and build with Easy Blogs. Complete with archive, article and static pages. All the pages are automatically linked together through the EasyBlogs content management system. Check out this example...

Herbal Nutrition Solutions
Herbal Nutrition News - full blown blog

Key Benefits of Easy Blogs

  • Dedicated software resides on your computer. This allows you to blog from anywhere. Write offline and post when your online.
  • Easy enough to use for the beginner yet sophisticated enough for the technically adept.
  • Multi-template design editor. Want to change the design of your web pages, incorporate new widgets or functionality? No problem in Easy Blogs. Simply edit it in and click one button and all your pages get updated automatically.
  • Capable of building multi-page websites, like the example above, which has nearly 400 pages. All in one website/blog builder.
  • Easy Blogs has no limits on the number of pages you can build. But you are limited to creating only 200 blogs/feed/xml files (as if you are going to need that many).
  • Sophisticated 'Blog Entry' (HTML) editor. Many HTML functions are available at the click of the mouse.

Easy Blogs - software and tutorial
Easy Blogs tutorial and software

As you can see the above blog and build is well laid out and has a real nice look to it. Now compare that with this site blog (Rss/Blog It!). Which is limited to only 50 posts max. Here is an example of an SBI Rss/Blog It! blog called:

Herbal Nutrition Blog
Herbal Nutrition Blog - mini site blog.

As you can see the site blog is real simple compared to the full blown blog and build. The big difference between a site blog and a full blown blog is, a full blown Easy blog builds archives, categories, static, article pages and has it's own content management system. The example blog/website Herbal Nutrition Solutions is one huge website/blog built in Easy Blogs.

SBI Rss/Blog It! does have one really nice feature that sets it apart from others. When you upload new content it automatically pings your rss feed to the major blog aggregators. You can also add a 'FeedBurner' feed to alert the other major blog aggregtors.

With SBI RSS/Blog It! you could add your own blog posts called bloglets. But you can NOT blog and build with Rss/Blog It! at the same time. A site blog's most useful feature is publishing snippets of information about the web pages you make.

With Rss/Blog It! you could write lengthy articles if you choose but this is not recommended. You could write a couple of sentences and display an image with a link on it, or even just a link. Better yet you should use a combination of these techniques.

Writing anything substantial in a 'bloglet!' is totally impractical. Rss/Blog It! just doesn't give you the functionality you need to be creative. If you know HTML you can get quite a lot of milage by writing your own code. But you better be prepared to spend a lot of time at it because this is only a little text editor window.

Rss/Blog It! is part of Site Build It!
SBI Rss/Blog It! - bloglet edit window

Bloglets don't last forever, eventually they disappear. However, you could keep your bloglets on your computer and re-post them over and over again. Keep in mind that your posts will rotate off the bottom eventually and be gone forever.

With EasyBlogs you can blog and build a full blown blog/website. Complete with a content management system that creates archive pages. EasyBlogs saves your posts in archive pages. Which can easily be re-posted by simply changing the creation date. Rss Blogit does not do that.

Click her to learn more about Easy Blogs software and tutorial.In conclusion if you use both Easy Blogs and SBI Rss/Blog It! together you really get the maximum effect of blogging with SBI. SBI's Rss/Blog It! will not archive or categorize your posts for you. When you reach the limit of your posts the old ones just rotate off the bottom and disappear forever. With East Blogs you can keep you posts forever, archive and categorize them as well as blog and build at the same time.

If you want to graduate to full blown blogging I highly recommend Easy Blogs. This is a nice website builder with blogging capabilities.

Learn more about how to blog and build with EasyBlogs...

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