Build Html Form Tutorial

Basic to advanced build Html Form sign-up to receive your tutorial. Teaches Html coding and more importantly how to use it correctly.

Tutorial contains practice code to teach methods and techniques for building web pages from scratch. Sign up below to get your FREE 11 chapter ebook.

HTML tutorial HTML tutorial

How to Build Html Form Tutorial

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HTML tutorial

Build Html Form - Chapters include:

  1. How to create common tags - Control the attributes and properties of the HTML page.
  2. tables - Allow you to divide your virtual real estate into columns and rows.
  3. forms - Collect information from your visitors such as surveys, polls, personal info, or just plain comments.
  4. lists - numbered or unnumbered lists like this one.
  5. links - allow you to navigate through your website or anywhere else on the web.
  6. images - the correct way to code your images for size, position and justification.
  7. frames - allow you to have complete control over your web page. This page is an example.
  8. comments - add comments to your code to help you stay organized or send a note, or describe your code for future understanding.
  9. Meta tags - are used by the search engines to help describe (and rank) your web pages.
  10. escape codes - html tags often come in pairs, an open and a close tag. Find out which ones need them and which ones don't.
  11. Advice on design layout, website navigation, clean code, style, do's and don'ts, web browsers and search engine submissions.

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