Analyze It! - Recommendations for Search Engine Optimization

Analyze It gives your website an unfair advantage.
With Analyze It! - your website has an unfair advantage. Ever wonder why some websites consistently outrank others in the search engines? I use to, until I started using this tool! Untill now I thought that a webmaster needed many years of experience, read several books, a degree in Internet marketing, a magic wand and a pinch of bat's wing to get their pages to rank well in the search engines.

Certainly, it could not be that hard. Can't one just research the Internet, buy great ebooks and learn very quickly? Sure, that is possible if you find the right ebook or system. But this approach can cost hundreds of dollars and months of trial and error, before you find the one that really works. Also, a lot of so-called optimization techniques are conjecture or just plain wrong. I say this from experience.

Wouldn't it be better to just have the right tool that analyzes your page for search engine optimization? There is an SEO tool called "Analyze It!" (AI). AI takes all the magic out of optimizing webpages for high search engine rankings. All you need to do is hit the button, and it either passes or gives recommendations for changes to your page.

Okay, there is a bit more to it than that. If you don't pass the AI test, then you may have some work to do. Maybe a lot of work at first, but after you use it a while you learn what to do. As you get more and more familiar with AI your content will pass the test quicker.

SE optimization report card

Let's analyze Analyze It! First thing to know is how to get to it. There are 3 ways to initiate AI. In the block builder module and in the Upload Your Own HTML module (in Site Central) at the bottom (or end) of the process there resides a button. Simply click here and a form pops up with your analysis on it. The other way is in Search Engine HQ (SEHQ) another SBI module has a button.

Since this is proprietary software we cannot discuss how it works. Suffice it to say that it works great. With thousands of websites and search engine spiders everyday a huge database of information has been collected. Several areas of your page are addressed and conclusions or recommendations are given. The one conclusion you are looking for is the word "Good".

"A Good" conclusion means, that section has passed the AI test. Anything else and you will get a recommendation to fix it. For example if your headline does not contain your primary keyword AI will let you know. Let's take a look at what AI analyzes.

Analyze It output form

  1. File Name
  2. Page Title (meta tag)
  3. Keywords (meta tag)
  4. Description (meta tag)
  5. Headline
  6. Page
File Name If there are problems with your file name AI will recommend the proper changes. For instance a 6 word file name or invalid characters will draw a recommendation to change it.

Page Title meta tag has a few rules necessary for search engine optimization. For intance your primary keyword needs to be within the first 5 words of this tag and must be included.

Keywords meta tag analysis contains several recommendations. A maximum and minmum value recommendation will show if you exceed these values. Also invalid characters will not prompt a recommendation.

Description (meta tag) analysis tells you if you've got this one right. Some SEOers will say that this tag is no longer necessary for high search engine rankings. However getting this one right can only help. It does let the search engines, directories, link exchanges, and many other applications like RSS readers and blog aggregators know what your page is about. While the description meta tag is not as important as it once was (to the search engines) it is still very important to other applications and the ones that really matter - your visitors.

Headline needs to include your primary keyword exactly as you listed it in the keyword meta tag. You would be surprised how often you get this one wrong. It may seem like a no-brainer but still a good catch for you if you messed it up.

Page analysis does several things for you. This one is the most important. As the search engines get smarter your on-page content has become the most important criteria for high search engine rankings. If you pass this one on the first pass you can consider yourself an expert. Most likely you won't pass on the first try and recommendations will show up. The most important page analysis is keyword density. Too many or too few keywords and you get a recommendation to add or delete keywords.

Other recommendations for 'Page' include keyword location within first 90 and 500 characters. This is great because it helps prevent keyword stuffing. You also get recommendations to add or delete links on this page. Again too many or too few are analyzed and recommendations are made.

Analyze It recommendations for search engine optimization give your webpages more than a fighting chance to score high search engine rankings. Analyze It can help your website dominate the search engines.

Analyze It! also gives you piece of mind. Knowing that your pages are search engine optimized reduces the worry factor. If your pages don't score well you can always re-run AI and make improvements. But most of all when you pass the AI test you know your page is done well.

Analyze It! - another fantastic tool from SBI

This is only one of over 30 modules you get with Site Build It! (SBI). Other modules include 'Daily stats', 'Search Engine HQ', 'Value Exchange HQ', 'Upload Your own HTML', 'Graphic Library', 'Form Build It', 'Get Form Data' and the list goes on and on. Too many modules to list here. Learn more about Site Build It and Analyze It!

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