The color chart is a best website tool that does a conversion from hex code to RGB. What is the difference? Hex code is machine language for colors that leaves the display device to determine the RGB values to display.
RGB or Red, Green Blue tells the display device definitively what color to display. The 2 work differently so developers can use either method depending on the desired result.
RGB values are from 0-255. When combined can create other over 62,000 different colors you can see.
Hexcode is machine language that contains 3 sets of (2) numbers that range from 0-15. With letters representing 2 digit numbers. (Example" "A" = 10, "B"=11, C"=12, "D"=13", "E"=14, "F"=15.
Color Chart Conversion Key
Hex Code
RGB Value
The following 18 colors will not dither on any 256, 16, or million color Windows monitor: color chart.
Named Colors
RGB 255-255-255
RGB 190-190-190
RGB 255-255-0
RGB 0-255-255
RGB 0-255-0
RGB 0-0-0
RGB 128-128-128
RGB 128-128-0
RGB 0-128-128
RGB 0-127-0
RGB 255-0-255
RGB 255-0-0
RGB 0-0-255
RGB 128-0-128
RGB 127-0-0
RGB 0-0-127
RGB 127-255-0
RGB 0-255-255
Note: the above colors are the 'named' colors. The names can be used intstead of the hex code in your programming. Ex. "color:red" instead of "color:#ff0000".
Non-dithering colors: Color Chart
These colors will not dither on any 256 color Windows or Mac monitors. Netscape Communicator 4.0 uses a different palette for Macs - 256 color Mac monitors will dither to a different palette. Unix monitors use a different palette. In other words, colors may appear different on different operating systems.
RGB 255-153-0
RGB 204-153-0
RGB 153-153-0
RGB 102-153-0
RGB 51-153-0
RGB 255-153-51
RGB 204-153-51
RGB 51-153-51
RGB 51-153-102
RGB 0-153-0
RGB 255-153-102
RGB 204-153-102
RGB 0-153-51
RGB 51-102-0
RGB 0-102-0
RGB 153-153-102
RGB 153-153-51
RGB 102-153-102
RGB 102-153-51
RGB 0-153-102
RGB 255-255-0
RGB 204-255-0
RGB 153-255-0
RGB 102-255-0
RGB 51-255-0
RGB 255-255-51
RGB 204-255-51
RGB 0-255-0
RGB 153-255-51
RGB 102-255-51
RGB 255-204-0
RGB 204-204-0
RGB 51-255-51
RGB 0-255-51
RGB 153-204-0
RGB 255-204-51
RGB 204-204-51
RGB 102-204-0
RGB 51-204-0
RGB 0-204-0
RGB 255-204-102
RGB 153-204-51
RGB 102-204-51
RGB 51-204-51
RGB 0-204-51
RGB 204-204-102
RGB 153-204-102
RGB 102-204-102
RGB 51-204-102
RGB 0-204-102
RGB 255-204-153
RGB 204-204-153
RGB 153-204-153
RGB 102-204-153
RGB 51-204-153
RGB 255-255-102
RGB 204-255-102
RGB 153-255-102
RGB 102-255-102
RGB 0-204-153
RGB 255-255-153
RGB 204-255-153
RGB 153-255-153
RGB 51-255-102
RGB 0-255-102
RGB 255-255-204
RGB 204-255-204
RGB 102-255-153
RGB 51-255-153
RGB 0-255-153
RGB 255-255-255
RGB 153-255-204
RGB 102-255-204
RGB 51-255-204
RGB 0-255-204
RGB 204-255-255
RGB 153-255-255
RGB 102-255-255
RGB 51-255-255
RGB 0-255-255
RGB 255-204-204
RGB 204-204-204
RGB 153-204-204
RGB 102-204-204
RGB 51-204-204
RGB 255-204-255
RGB 204-204-255
RGB 153-204-255
RGB 102-204-255
RGB 0-204-204
RGB 255-153-153
RGB 204-153-153
RGB 153-153-153
RGB 51-204-255
RGB 0-204-255
RGB 255-153-204
RGB 204-153-204
RGB 102-153-153
RGB 51-153-153
RGB 0-153-153
RGB 255-153-255
RGB 153-153-204
RGB 102-153-204
RGB 51-153-204
RGB 0-153-204
RGB 204-153-255
RGB 153-153-255
RGB 102-153-255
RGB 51-153-255
RGB 0-153-255
RGB 255-102-153
RGB 204-102-153
RGB 153-102-153
RGB 102-102-153
RGB 51-102-153
RGB 255-102-204
RGB 204-102-204
RGB 153-102-204
RGB 102-102-204
RGB 0-102-153
RGB 255-102-255
RGB 204-102-255
RGB 51-102-204
RGB 0-102-204
RGB 153-102-255
RGB 255-51-255
RGB 204-51-255
RGB 102-102-255
RGB 51-102-255
RGB 0-102-255
RGB 255-51-204
RGB 153-51-255
RGB 102-51-255
RGB 51-51-255
RGB 0-51-255
RGB 204-51-204
RGB 153-51-204
RGB 102-51-204
RGB 51-51-204
RGB 0-51-204
RGB 255-51-153
RGB 204-51-153
RGB 153-51-153
RGB 102-51-153
RGB 51-51-153
RGB 255-51-102
RGB 204-51-102
RGB 153-51-102
RGB 102-51-102
RGB 0-51-153
RGB 255-0-255
RGB 204-0-255
RGB 153-0-255
RGB 51-51-102
RGB 0-51-102
RGB 255-0-204
RGB 204-0-204
RGB 102-0-255
RGB 51-0-255
RGB 0-0-255
RGB 255-0-153
RGB 153-0-204
RGB 102-0-204
RGB 51-0-204
RGB 0-0-204
RGB 204-0-153
RGB 153-0-153
RGB 102-0-153
RGB 51-0-153
RGB 0-0-153
RGB 255-0-102
RGB 204-0-102
RGB 153-0-102
RGB 102-0-102
RGB 51-0-102
RGB 255-0-51
RGB 204-0-51
RGB 153-0-51
RGB 102-0-51
RGB 0-0-102
RGB 255-0-0
RGB 204-0-0
RGB 51-0-5
RGB 0-0-51
RGB 0-0-0
RGB 255-102-102
RGB 255-102-102
RGB 153-0-0
RGB 102-0-0
RGB 51-0-0
RGB 204-102-102
RGB 153-102-102
RGB 102-102-102
RGB 51-102-102
RGB 0-102-102
RGB 255-51-51
RGB 204-51-51
RGB 153-51-51
RGB 102-51-51
RGB 51-51-51
RGB 255-51-0
RGB 204-51-00
RGB 153-51-0
RGB 102-51-0
RGB 0-51-51
RGB 255-99-71
RGB 255-102-51
RGB 204-102-51
RGB 153-102-51
RGB 51-51-0
RGB 0-51-0
RGB 218-112-214
RGB 255-165-0
About This Color Chart
Modern designing techniques can use either method however older operating systems (like IE6) do not recognize RGB values. Newer computer languages (like HTML5) can utilize RGB in ways not possible in an older language (for example a color gradient).
For the developer it is nice to get a visual refference when laying out a page, graphic art or element in a page. Use this color chart to see conversions from hex code to RGB values.
While it is not possible to chart every possible color the ones in this color chart are the most commonly used. Use this chart to select colors for your next design. Check for mix, match and complimentary colors at a glance.
For a better understanding of named colors visit / color_names.asp
By: Tim Koen