Infinitunes Background Music Generator Cloud Based App

Infinitunes Background Music Generator
Looking for the perfect soundtrack tool for your video creations? If so look no further. We have THE solution for you. Infinitunes is the culmination of years of technological advancements. With this tool you can create virtually and type of original background music score. Here's why this is important. We all know that sound makes the video better.

Update: Aug2021: It isn't very often we see a solid application go south, but Infiniunes has. Seems the software has collapsed, the support has dried up and the product is unavailable for sale. It has been that way for over a month now. Our efforts to contact the creator have failed. So, sorry to say Intinitunes is no longer available.

First there were silent movies, then came the talkies and what followed was called the sound revolution. In the beginning silent movies were sometimes accompanied by an orchestra. Audio recording machines changed the film and video business forever. Music accompanyment moved from the theater to the sound stage. All through this progression background music accompanyment was a must for every successful film.

The digital age brought about the invention of the music synthesizer. And with it came the digital recorder. These two inventions brought about a new era in film and video making. Now a single person can create all the sound needed for what used to take an orchestra of musicians to do. But still the problem of cost exists. Paying for an orchestra or a digital sound studio is prohibitive for the average video producer. Enter Infinitunes...

HowInfinitunes solves all these problems with an all in one low cost app. Infinitunes is a well thought out comprehensive background music generator for the average video producer. Now anyone can get that perfect background music acconpanyment without paying for the orchestra.

What if you could simply select a mood, genre or theme for your video's background music and get the perfect original sound track? Wouldn't that be awesome? Now you can with Infinitunes. Heres how it works...

Access Infinitunes Background Music Generator Here!

Advantages, Benefits & Features Of Infinitunes

  • Generate Background Music Tracks
  • Produces premium quality audio sound tracks
  • Set a start time, loop your audio
  • Adjust volume for both background and foreground audio.
  • Low one-time access fee
  • 100% unique audio track to PERFECTLY-MATCH your video
  • Paste in ANY YouTube URL or upload your own video.
  • As simple as selecting a genre, activity and mood.
  • It's hosted on the cloud so no installation or downloads required.

Infinitunes Access

Video Creation App
$97.00 Our Price $47.00
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Editors Review Of Infinitunes

Smartphone singing and dancingI'm glad I added this tool to my arsenal of best website tools. It fills an important area of creative capability, and that is background music. Background sound definitely improves the quality of any video production. No matter whether its a family photo album, a full blown production or an on the fly screen capture BACKGROUND SOUND MAKES A DIFFERENCE!

Infinitunes has everything you want in a cloud based app. It can generate content, store it on the cloud and produce a downloadable product. It's ease of use is apparent from the first time you see the app. You can watch the included video tutorials or simply dive right in. The user interface is well designed and quickly mastered. Clear, distinct areas of operation (read screens) keep you organized and productive.

Infinitunes is aptly named. The versatility of this app is that it generates new music every time you click the play button. Allowing for an infinite number of variations. However, it is easy to get mesmerized by the possibilities. The only drawback is indecisiveness can set in. Meaning you can spend way too much time hoping to find the right music.

The best way to use this app is to save a few tracks but not more. Then review your selections to refine your choice down to one track. Marrying your audio to a video track is the only way to download the music. You can marry your track to a silent video to get only the music if you want. However, any existing audio is mixed in the rendering process. Which means you can't separate the background music later. Overall Rating: A+...

Access Infinitunes Background Music Generator Here!

Neighborhood Monsters - Soundtrack By Infinitunes

Check out these upgraded video shorts I made. Note the background music & soundtracks are generated with Infinitunes.

Happy B-Day Dave - Background Music By Infinitunes

Hope you like it
Tim Koen

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