What a great idea to give your employees something fun to do (when they aren't doing what they are supposed to be doing). We all know that employess have moments of unproductivity for what ever reason. And what do they do when their brains are searching for that little bit of relaxation, they wander.
Many times that wandering urge takes the form of Internet browsing. A little bit of Internet browsing can satisfy the urge to relax and help them to refocus. SiteSell encourages their employees to satisfy this urge by tweeing on Twitter.
Many companies restrict Internet use to their employees and with good reason. The thinking is, that not allowing employees Internet access will keep them focused on their work. Of course this doesn't work because the employee will just find other ways to let out their wandering urge. E.g. water cooler chatting, smoke breaks and snacking.
Why not give your employees ways to use that down time productively and get some milage promoting the company? Twitter is a great way to do that. With twitter you can interact with customers, collegues and interesting tweople.
While I'm not saying companies should allow Internet access across the board. I am saying SiteSell has a great idea. Get the employees involved in a community (Twitter) that they can interact with, without going to the smoking lounge, the cafeteria or cyberspace.
The key benefits to this approach are
Check out SiteSell on Twitter to get ideas for your company.
May 2010 « » August 2010
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