Here is a comparison between SBI or WordPress to build an e-business. A new landing page by Site Build It (SBI) touts the advantages of SBI or WordPress to build your online e-business.
Obviously this page is going try to convince you that SBI is a better way to build your own online e-business. The page points out many advantages to using Blog or Build an E-Business. The main points are:
- SBI out of the box IS an all-in-one package. WordPress lacks the tools you need to build an e-business, all in one place.
- SBI is full of well organized information, whereas with WP you have to search all over to get quality info and tutorials.
- SBI has real support and a business building community where members have a vested interest in your success. WordPress has zillions of third party marketers (with ulterior motives) just waiting to sell you their products or services. Most of which are questionable.
- SBI has constant updating/upgrading as the web changes. WordPress remains the same unless you fix it yourself.
Now I'm not saying you can't create a great blog with WordPress. (I have seen many) But if that is all you want to do then WordPress is fine. However the biggest difference between SBI or WordPress is that with SBI you own your content.