This is a 3 Column template for SBI with Easy Blogs, that you are looking at. Specifically this is the "Article" sub-template. In Easy Blogs there are 5 sub-templates in each master template. You can style the templates match your 'look and feel' or make them all look different. It's up to you!
All the templates come with the 'Index Page' and "Default Template' sub-templates filled in. These are the 2 primary templates used to build all the different pages from. In this template I filled in the 'Article' sub-template for demonstration purposes.
Here is a brief description of the sbi 3 column template layout.
Logo |
Topbar menu |
Adsense or spare row |
Left column |
Main content area
This area of the sbi 3 column template is filled in from blog entries tab in the Easy Blogs 'entries' editor.
Right column |
Left column for navigation. This area filled in by the template
Right column for Ads This area filled in by the template |
Footer |
- Logo area is 850 pixels wide. Wide enough to fit almost any logo. The logo shown here now is the SBI standard 725 pixels wide. This cell has a background color set to black to match the look of the logo. The bg color can be changed to anything you like in the CSS style sheet.
- Topbar menu - is a custom made menu of the most popular pages on the site.
- AdSense or spare row can be used for anything you like. Currently showing an AdSense block to illustrate it's usage.
- Left border (LB) - is 25 pixels wide and contains a 25px wide by 4px high gradated image. These images are simple to create or change in apps like The image is repeated through the vertical length of the page.
- Left column - is where you put your navigation menus and advertisements. Special boxes have been constructed to set the width of this column. The boxes (tables) are currently set at 160px wide, but can be changed to anything you like.
- Main content area - this section is filled in by the Easy Blogs software. As you flip through the different pages you will notice articles, blog posts, archives and static pages. These pages are all described in detail in the tutorial.
- Right Column - width is controlled by what you put in the template. It is a great place to put opt-in forms and advertisements. This will stretch and collapse according to what you put in this column.
- Right border (RB) - is 25 pixels wide and contains a 25px wide by 4 px high gradated image. These images are simple to create or change in apps like The image is repeated through the vertical length of the page.
- Footer area - spans the whole template and has it's own styling in the CSS style file.
The overall sbi 3 column template is 900px wide with 850px of usable area. The right and left columns are approximately 160px each. The main content area is approximately 500px wide. This layout is designed to match most past, present, and future SBI templates and can be modified to work for any website.
For a complete list of templates we have for Easy Blogs with SBI please visit SBI Easy Blog Templates page.
Best Website Tools, LLC By
Timothy Koen
61 W. Annabelle Ave. Hazel Park,
MI. 48030-1103, U.S.A.
telephone: (248)546-0374
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