The combination of Easy Blogs with Site Build It! makes an SBI blog launch platform with near limitless capabilities. Imagine this, you have one domain name and 100 blogs. It's doable but not recommended. Try this one on for size, you have one website and several mini-website/blogs. One for each section of your content focused website.
Let's not stop there, imagine this, you have one domain name Site Build It! website and several mini-websites all with a different look and feel. That's right by creating separate blog/mini-websites you can use a different template to each one (if you like).
Don't stop now imagine what you can do with 100 rss feeds on each of your websites. Easy Blogs creates a separate rss feed for each blog. They all can be blasted into space with SBI. That can add up to a whole lot of exposure! Which you would be hard pressed to match with any other system.
The beauty of Easy Blogs is the content management system (CMS). It's built right in. With 'Upload Your Own Html' module at SBI you have to duplicate the CMS on your computer. With EB you can create a CMS system that holds all your files in one place.
Read MoreHome : SBI Home : SBI Rss Tutorials : sbi blog launch, Easy Blogs, Site Build It, website, rss