Website Exercise - Article Publishing

Computer cartoon saying website exerciseI was just thinking that website exercise is like any good muscle building program. WOW, what a concept! If you work your website it will build strength. As with any living thing you need to keep the fat off and exercise the muscles to stay healthy.

So how does that relate to a website. Hmmm, let me think. Muscles build strength in the body and articles are like muscles for a website. But muscles need attention and need to be exercised reularly. But how do you do website exercise?

Good question, create a plan. Warm up with a stretching routine, run for a mile, then take a warm shower. Huh?

Stretching can be akin to writing keyword rich, content focused articles. Running a mile can be akin to publishing and promoting your articles. And the warm shower is akin to the response you get from your website exercise. Great, but that doesn't tell me anything new.

What is website exercise?

Let's start with streching the muscles. When you write an article you are certainly exercising the brain muscle. As with any muscle you don't want to over exert it. When writing your article don't try to push it too hard, you'll end up hurting yourself. Just as bad is fatiquing, you don't want your article to get tired half way through it's run.

When you proof read your article ask yourself "am I tired of this?" If you answer "yes, I'm tired of it" then your article is too heavy and needs to have some fat trimmed off. If you anwer "no, I'm ready to go" then your article is under developed and needs more work. If your answer is "Yeah, I feel good" then your article is robust and ready to run.

So your article is ready to go, now what? Exercise it of course. Promote your article on the Internet the right way. As with exercising different techniques work better or worse for different articles. Your article is uniquely suited for certain demographics and performs better or worse depending on your promotion techniques.

If your article is timely in nature (current events) then you need to get it out there quickly and push real hard because it won't be current news very long. In that case you need to use social networking, blog publishing, commentting, article submission and the whole 9 yards.

If your article is timeless (never gets tired), then you need to take it easy and pace it over that long haul. You don't want it to burn out before it gets to the end of it's life. In that case try submitting your article to several article directories over a period of time. I like article submitter to do this.

Select about 10 article directories at a time and submit your article to them. Then change the article by re-arranging the words and paragraphs, even the title or concept and submit the new version to 10 more article directories. Repeat this process regularly until you have built up your submission list to 50 or more article directories.

In any case you will want to publish the article on your own website first. And you want it to be a unique version. Why not just publish the same article to everyone? Because everybody wants the most bang for their buck (even if it's free). You want to be the first to publish your article so that you get the most bang. But if you publish duplicated material (even if it's your own) then everyone else can't get a big bang from it.

When you release different versions of the same article at separate times, then everyone gets an equal opportunity to gain from the article. This way you can get more publishers and a better return on your efforts.

Lather, Rinse and Repeat for best results do twice a day. When your website exercise works out you can clean up.

Here are several dozen articles (that I wrote, mostly) that have only one publishing so far. For those of you that would like to use these articles on your website please include alink to this site. Website Tips Articles

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